Dec 4, 2008

Laminin Lamentations

After I watched that Loui Giglio video that everyone has been talking about lately (here's the link to it if you haven't seen it,, I got on google and typed in "laminin" just to find out more about it. Somehow I ended up on a random guy's blog. He was upset because his family kept sending him an email about this sermon that Giglio had given. This guy isn't a Christian, and he was really offended that people kept trying to witness to him through spam (understandable). He was naming off other proteins in the body that represented symbols of pagan religions to mock the idea that laminin's structure was intentionally designed by God. At first his response to this sermon really offended me, but as I continued reading his rant I was really convicted by his challenge to people who claim to be followers of Christ. Obviously a lot of what he said discredited the sovereignty of God and I didn't agree with it, but when I read this part of his entry it broke my heart and overwhelmed me with conviction. He said:

"Do you pray for my soul? Are you saddened to know that I will burn in Hell, or do you think God has a special miraculous plan for me? And what of the billions on Earth who do not believe in the salvation through Christ? Do their damned souls make you weep at night?"

He's exactly right. When is the last time I wept for people like this guy? On most days, I probably spend more time wondering what I'm going to have from lunch than I do pleading for people's salvation. I feel like Christians are really guilty of sharing with each other how good God has been in their lives but then not being intentional about sharing that with nonbelievers. It's like having the cure for cancer and only giving it to healthy people. It doesn't make any sense. I've had a revelation lately that I spend too much time focusing on my intimacy with the Lord...before you think I'm crazy, let me explain. What I mean by that is that everyday my goal is to get to a place where I know the Lord more deeply than I did the day before. The problem with that is that it's the goal...when the real goal should be furthering God's kingdom and my intimacy with him is simply a tool for accomplishing that. If the only reason I'm here is to draw closer to the Lord's heart, then take my home, Jesus. The reason we're here is to be a testimony and a reflection of the grace and mercy of Christ. I can't take the credit for the challenge I'm about to give you, because really it came from a guy who has never experienced the heart of God...and just to prove his sovereignty, the Lord used him, a frustrated Christian-hating atheist, to minister to my heart, and hopefully to yours. So the challenge is to weigh the time you spend meditating on meaningless matters compared to the time you spend battling for souls. I know for me it was an embarassing and convicting comparison.
Love you guys! Have a great week :)!

1 comment:

The Stricklands said...

Hi sweet girl! I watched the video and read the mentioned blog. I too have become very burdened in the past week over the darkness and ignorance that hangs like a cloud over our country. A country with so many churches yet so little salt and light. I am thankful for you, and I know that God will use you mightily. See you in 8 days!!!!!